We are a group of Referees and ex-referees who meet monthly during the football season from September to May. We usually have a guest speaker, possibly a referee from grass roots all the way up to the professional game. We also have Referee Observers or other roles in football or refereeing. These are always a great night and will likely include footage of incidents to view and discuss. It's a great environment to improve your refereeing knowledge.
The Society was formed on 5th February 1923 and we are very proud to have completed our centenary meeting last year. We are the oldest society in Surrey at a time when societies are struggling to continue. Our society started as the Surrey Society of Football Referees (Croydon branch) and the first meeting was at the Greyhound, High Street, Croydon.
Our meetings are held at Croydon Bowls Club, Nottingham Road, Croydon, CR2 6LN.
If you want to get on our WhatsApp group, then please contact us via our Contact Us page